Pregnancy can be such an exciting time! Health, wellness and comfort throughout your pregnancy are so very important for you and for your baby! Prenatal massage can be a wonderful compliment to your prenatal healthcare routine.
Asian massage can reduce stress and promote overall wellness of body and mind. It can help relieve normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy such as headaches, cramps, back/neck tension and swelling. Prenatal massage can improve circulation of both blood and lymph and has been found to improve sleep, decrease nervous tension and relieve emotional responses brought about by hormone changes.
During your asian massage, your relaxation and comfort are the primary goal. Side-lying positioning helps to minimize back strain and discomfort during your massage. Speciality pregnancy cushions can allow a variety of other positions for comfort throughout your massage. Special care is taken to provide you with the most comfotable, relaxing positioning and massage techniques are customized according to where you are in your pregnancy and to meet your personal needs or requests.
Consult your prenatal healthcare provider and please call us if we can answer any questions you may have!